Greater Than Games and Dice Hate Me Games Become One!

Greater Than Games and Dice Hate Me Games are merging into one mighty mega-power publisher! Dice Hate Me Games will become an imprint under the Greater Than Games name and will include previous titles such as VivaJava: The Coffee Game and Compounded. They are also creating two other imprints. the first is Sentinel Comics, which will include games such as Sentinels of the Multiverse and Sentinel Tactics. The second will be Fabled Nexus, which will cover sci-fi and fantasy games.

They have announced that they are working on some new projects including Monster Truck Mayhem and Spirit Island and the first true joint project will be Bottom of the 9th, a two-player baseball-themed game. The game is designed by Darrell Louder (Compounded) and Mike Mullins and will be Kickstarted soon. It is a game for 1 or 2 players using dice and cards to face pitcher off against batter.

jessm Jess: We love games from both of these companies, so the merger is exciting news! I can’t wait to see what else they create together. It sounds like this will strengthen both companies and I’m betting the collaboration will make for some kickass games.

12/1/14 Edition


jessmDecember is here and like Ned Stark says: “Christmas is coming…” That was the quote, right? Anyway, ‘Tis the season and we’ve got three exciting looking up-and-comers. Check out The Witcher Board Game, Last Night on Earth Airstrike Supplement, and the Kickstarter for New Bedford.



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