Viceroy Review

andysmIn Viceroy from Mayday Games (Get Bit!, Meteor, Dead Man’s Draw), players will vie for influence over various characters of the realms, enact sweeping legal reform, and build their own Pyramid of Power as they compete to gain the most Power Points to crush their opponents and become the victor!

jessmJess:  Pyramid of Power?  Sweeping reform?  Crushing opponents?  I like the sound of all that, but is this game really take-thatish?

andysmAndrew:  It’s a set-collection game with auction mechanics and almost no direct player contention.

jessmJess:  Oh!  Awesome!

From these meager (but very nicely made) components shall your Pyramid of Power be built! (you have to do a super-dramatic voice when you read 'Pyramid of Power')

From these meager (but very nicely made) components shall your Pyramid of Power be built! (you have to do a super-dramatic voice when you read ‘Pyramid of Power’)

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