Biblios Review

Biblios, designed by Steve Finn (presumably the mild-mannered alter-ego of the intriguing Dr. Finn)  and published by IELLO Games (Welcome To Dungeon), is a very cool card drafting, set collection, auction-based hand management game…but nowhere near as complicated as I make it sound, just now.  It combines these game types into a unique whole, as players-

jessmJess:  Wait, why does the box look sort of like a book?

andysmAndrew:  Oh, because we are playing as the heads of medieval monasteries, each competing to have the most desirable library.


andysmAndrew:  Whoa, geez, calm down!  It’s not about being a librarian!  The game itself is actually pretty abstract, but really, because the theme is about preserving ancient tomes, it’s really more about being a chief archivist rather than a-

jessmJess:  EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

This game may be hitting a *little* close to home for our own archivist...

This game may be hitting a *little* close to home for our own archivist…

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