Biblios Review

Biblios, designed by Steve Finn (presumably the mild-mannered alter-ego of the intriguing Dr. Finn)  and published by IELLO Games (Welcome To Dungeon), is a very cool card drafting, set collection, auction-based hand management game…but nowhere near as complicated as I make it sound, just now.  It combines these game types into a unique whole, as players-

jessmJess:  Wait, why does the box look sort of like a book?

andysmAndrew:  Oh, because we are playing as the heads of medieval monasteries, each competing to have the most desirable library.


andysmAndrew:  Whoa, geez, calm down!  It’s not about being a librarian!  The game itself is actually pretty abstract, but really, because the theme is about preserving ancient tomes, it’s really more about being a chief archivist rather than a-

jessmJess:  EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

This game may be hitting a *little* close to home for our own archivist...

This game may be hitting a *little* close to home for our own archivist…

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Heat Review

andysmAndrew: Heat is a heist game, with each player pulling off a series of jobs (or should I say ‘jobs’, ::wink-wink-nudge-nudge-crimes-crimes::), trying to be the criminal mastermind who ends the game with the biggest bankroll.  Some jobs are subtle, requiring careful planning and consideration.  Some jobs, well, let’s just say that bank vault isn’t going to blow itself off its hinges, yeah?


For added ambiance to this review, play ‘The Perfect Crime #2’ by the Decemberists

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Holiday Stocking Stuffers (Part 3 – Stuffmageddon)

andysm Andrew: What do star ships, tuna, the bishop of Tempest, hot potato, and public executions all have in common?  Why, they are all in these, our final five Stocking Stuffer suggestions for great holiday gifts!  As promised, I won’t be singing…anything side from the praises of these fantastic games, that is!

jessm Jess: Honey

andysm Andrew: Ok, I’m not proud of that one.

jessm Jess: Good.

Here are our final five budget-friendly, stocking-accommodating gift suggestions for this holiday season!

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