Cthulhu Fluxx Review

dianasmOnce upon a time, I loved Fluxx. Once upon a time, my board game experience was also limited to Monopoly, Life, and Munchkin. Many years and many board games later, my interest has cooled somewhat, and it seems that my gaming partners have the same tepid feelings toward Fluxx as I do. By why? It’s not a bad game. It’s a good little ice-breaker and it’s good for the casual player, so why the general feeling of “meh” when it is suggested? It’s because a game of Fluxx usually goes one of two ways.

Is there an Old One for mediocrity?

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Miskatonic School for Girls Review

robsmSchool isn’t easy, but Miskatonic School for Girls from designer Luke Peterschmidt and publisher Fun to 11 is a special sort of Hell. One where homework and gossip take a backseat to having your best friend devoured by an elder thing masquerading as the janitor and classes will literally make you lose your mind.

The game is fun, though.

Class is in session.

Class is in session.

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Cards of Cthulhu Review

robsmRob:  Very few board gamers who have crossed the line from Parker Brothers and Milton Bradley to Z-Man and Fantasy Flight have managed to do so without learning about a few go-to Cthulhu-themed titles. I’m looking at you, Arkham Horror and Elder Sign. But there are a whole lot more elder gods in our favorite pastime than that.

Hence today’s review of The Cards of Cthulhu. It’s not the most obscure Lovecraftian card game out there, but this little gem from designer Ian Richard and publisher DVG (Dan Verssen Games) was still quite the surprise.

And yet it's really more about the dice.

And yet it’s really more about the dice.

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Artin’ it up, Cthulhu Style!

Sometime last month…

andysmAndrew: Okay everybody, we need to start thinking about what we want to do for Cthulhu Month. Let’s get organized; get our stuff together; get our ducks in a row.

dianasmDiana: Hehe, Cthulhu Ducks.

andysmAndrew: Let’s stay focused here. We need to talk about what we want to review, article ideas, any special stuff, and so on.

dianasmDiana: Hehehe! I keep thinking about Cthulhu Ducks.

andysmAndrew: Do you want to do something on Cthulhu Ducks?

dianasmDiana: Can I?

andysmAndrew: I don’t see why not.

dianasmDiana: Can a do a Cthulhu Ducks painting?

andysmAndrew: Sure.

dianasmDiana: Oh! Can I do more Cthulhu-themed paintings throughout the month?

andysmAndrew: That’s a great idea, actually!

Release the Quacken!

Release the Quacken!

That’s right folks, Diana is going all-out and arting it up to help us celebrate Cthulhu Month. Right now two designs are available over on her Redbubble page: “Necronomicon vs. The Librarian” and of course “Cthulhu Ducks in a Row.” Two additional paintings will become available later this month, and all four will only be available for a limited time (until the end of August).

So if you’d like to help support Gameosity and get your hands on an awesome piece of Cthulhu artwork to boot, head on over to Diana’s Redbubble page and take a look at what’s on offer. And remember: these prints are only available for a limited time!

Augusthulhu Is Upon Us!

andysmAndrew:  Can you feel it?  The subtle disturbance in your sleep?  The dark portends in the air?  The certainty that somewhere out there, beings of unspeakable power are plotting against you…

robsmRob:  So, like, it’s Monday at the office?

andysmAndrew:  No!  I mean, well, technically yes, but I’m referring to something far more supernaturally sinister.  That time of horror which only comes once a year.

jessmJess:  Honey?  It’s August.  Things aren’t scheduled to be spooky for a few months.

andysmAndrew:  Not Halloween; I’m talking about a very special birthday celebration…

dianasmDiana:  Say, is that a tentacle?



That’s right everyone, it’s Augusthulhu!  In celebration of H.P. Lovecraft’s 125th birthday, we will be reviewing a bunch of games that take their inspiration from the Cthulhu Mythos all over the course of this month.  We’ll sneak in some non-cosmic-horror reviews too, but as far as we’re concerned, this August is dedicated to those sweet, sweet tentacles!

Stay tuned!